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In Rehab









We’ve named him Mayday, an internationally used word to signal distress. I think of him standing tied to a tree day after day, another voiceless animal fallen victim to mankind. If only he could call out in distress and get help. If only all of them could. But they do call out Mayday -silently but so loudly- in their own way. You can feel it when you stand near him. His ask for help with his weak steps, frail body, and desperate eyes. His name honors all the horses that have been so neglected but they chose to hold on and call out for help, in the silent ways they can. This sweet boy's first day has gone alright, considering his condition. He’s laid down twice to rest and been able to get back up (barely) on his own. He’s very tired but when he hears you coming with his bucket he perks up and nickers quietly. He eagerly licks his bowl clean. We all love him so much already. These before pictures are hard to look at. If you just draped skin over an actual skeleton, this would be it. He’s got fight though, and as long as he has that we will be right here alongside him, cheering him on.

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