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Nibbles🤍 Auction weekends are so hard, but the heaviness of Monday is always the worst. The panic you feel while making final decisions eats at you constantly. Monday is the quiet day.. auction is over but the stress is not. This is the LAST chance for many horses and donkeys to be seen before they ship. I always walk the pens filled with those bought by the kill buyer. It’s always hard to see how many there are and then attempt to begin to make choices that I don’t feel qualified or meant to have to make. All this to be said, on this particular Monday I was walking through the pen filled with donkeys bought by the kill buyer. None of them would look at me or allow me to walk near them. They anxiously circled the pen to try to stay away from mankind. I understood why of course, who wouldn’t? I stopped trying and just stood, silently numb and not ready to continue on. I stared at the dirt and felt the lump in my throat that was warning tears soon needed to be released. I looked up at the sky and took a deep breath, I didn’t have time to allow them to start. Then this cute little paint donkey waddled over to me and immediately got to work opening my treat bag. I don't know what it was about this guy’s actions that hit me so hard, but it was just what I needed in that moment. To feel connected. Grounded. And on that really tough Monday, Nibbles was that for me. He helped me snap out of my spiral and re center myself and focus on the task at hand, and what needed to be done to complete the weekend of rescue. I immediately added him to our list of donks to fundraise for and got to work. I’ll always look at Nibbles and remember that moment he gave me. If you’re local to Texas and looking for a life long partner who will always be there for you, please message me. Nibbles is available for adoption and ready to have that companionship. 🤍

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